Since today is Mother’s Day, I want to do something bigger and better than flowers.
When I look back at dark times in my life, I recall many times I felt out of place or found myself in dangerous situations. These situations had one thing in common: the mothers. And I’m not talking about my biological mother here. I’m talking about all of the times when mother figures stepped in for me. Some of these mothers were complete strangers, which made them all the more special.
That’s what moms do, right? We see a crying kid or a struggling new mom and we come to the rescue.
These women cross my mind often–there’s no way I could forget their kindness. Their words and actions will stay with me forever.
I remember the mother who took that extra minute after class to console me when I got picked last in PE.
I remember the mother who surprised me at the K-Mart checkout with the bag of chips I couldn’t afford. She bought them after seeing me sit them back on the shelf.
I remember the mother who wrapped me in towels and rocked me on her lap when I had hypothermia. I couldn’t tell you what she looked like but I’ll never forget her soft voice.
I remember the mother who gave me rides to basketball practice so I wouldn’t have to walk home in the dark.
I remember the mother who bought my first tank of gas when I passed my driver’s test. I still have the card she gave me.
I remember the mother who cheered like hell for me at the finish line at my cross country meets. Even though my best was next to last place, she reminded me the best thing to do is to keep going.
I remember the mothers who took me in after my mother died.
I remember the mother who visited me in the hospital and kept my older son company so my husband and I could meet our newborn in the NICU. Little did we know, this would be our hello, goodbye, and everything in between.
I remember the mother who insisted my husband and I take pictures with my son, Carson, after he died. She knew from experience it was better to have the photos and never look at them than have no pictures at all.
I remember the mothers who inspired me to be the mother I am today. Thank you for rescuing me.
Who are you remembering today?

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